Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Interview with this issue the dream three OL

129838917381562500_31The dream three OL law interview: mum was a purely male Click here to enter the dream three OL repository video (1) | Screenshots (19) | Original picture (14) | Wallpapers (31) | Hair | Client download vendor feeds, the following does not represent NetEaseHello, here is the latest interview with the dream three OL, listing, we have today, they brought in the dream three geological fazheng first Sissy-OL-as the first participant, please welcome. Small series: normal, Hello! We say hello! Fazheng: Hello, is fazheng. Small series: geo-such a career, for many visitors,May be relatively new, normal sauce can you tell us about the Earth science major to do what job, what skills are needed? Fazheng: plants and trees of the work and the nature of communication, with Huang to combat adult creatures of nature to help people. As a geology, tree languages understood by ~~ also has a force of nature, so you can order about universe. You know, every day I talk to trees, and the grass was very happy of sth (Omitted below 10,000 words) small part: in that case, by being an adult you had control of the forces of nature can be described as perfect. For many a dream three players call you Sissy, what views do you have? Fazheng: well, do not know what the retards who first started to call me Sissy! I toldYou: mum is a male-only! Who call me Sissy, mum told him my power of hieroglyphics diablo 3 power level! (Small universe burst ~ ~) small part: well sth Not to be angry, in fact, it is a favorite of players on your, you see, now, how many people have become fans of you Ah ~ ~! Fazheng: (* ^ __ ^ *) hee hee sth I see almost ~~ home isLittle cute ~ ~ in fact, fans are very good, is what some fans I Sichan, too warm and human family stand of sth Small series: eh-hem, a lot of letters from viewers Advisory: "in entertainment, how to add and select equipment is the best? "Rather than you to yourself, for example diablo 3 power leveling, as we explain in detail about it. Fazheng: Add, as I start firstTree eyes, and then fill it up with trees shield, during some stealth. 8-10 eyes of some trees, 12-14 and modified attributes. In terms of loading, is God put the mask, remember to toggle the property at any time, shoes and back volume is a must. If you choose to be human shields, then out of the ranks of the Golden double cymbal. Master the magic cloak-resistance on the other side, melee DPS is out rebounding edge�� If the selected team greater control of the secondary, you can choose to refresh, and then the second big sheep stick. Small series: look, the tactics on how to arrange? Fazheng: I usually choose edge road, and later in the party, guarantee the smooth development of his. The on line, in line with teammates fill tool, bearing in mind the denied pressing the opposite. Really can play a role I should beIn times of war, as a meat shield control, I was first cut into the enemy position, the whole team of people, if it were attacked by the other fire attract each other forward to brave fire and, if necessary, can take advantage of camouflage from battlefield. Small series: Chia Tai people by fighting is really very good Ah! Fazheng: hate kill kill, and floral roughly in a dayNice sth (Omitted below 20,000 words) small part: eh-hem sth Thanks Chia Tai people by accepting our interview with the dream among the OL interviews! Hope by Chia Tai people can scale new heights in his career; early in life to find their other half! Fazheng: thank you! Also hopes that the earlier marriage of sth (In fact, haven't said enough!) Interview with this issue the dream three OL, to this end, we next interview again! Thank you! More confidential, more stories of heroes, more claimed the dream three OL, OL interviews of the three countries in the dream!

materials and instruments such as tweezers

129828564386718750_90Mobile phone accessories industry profits over 10 times: disorder exposed to regulatory gaps At present, the number of mobile phone users in China have exceeded 1 billion, huge market demand derived from a variety of cell phone accessories. Some consumers ' willingness to spend heavily to mobile phones for "beauty", phone membrane, cell phone case, cell phone holder, cell phone stick drill Accessories products flooding the market, because the cost of a one or two mobile phone films could have been sold to twenty or thirty dollars, so mobile phone accessories industry exclusiveRed fire ants. Little do they know, disorderly market conditions coupled with the lack of supervision, make the phone accessories market muddled, ask an exorbitant price, shanzhai products flooding the market and other industries like consumer "bleeding", and the poor quality of some products, but consumers no protection after the sale. Starting price: price of water deposit and profit as Smartphone popularity mobile phone is not just aCommunication tools, is a show the personality of the vehicle, mobile phone accessories from simple hanging stage upgrades to the depth of "dressing" stage. Mobile phone accessories such as mobile phone film and paste drill seems to have formed a huge consumer market. A demand on the market. Walking in the streets, the most common mobile phone film force has long been a familiar landscape.Press Conference by visiting near Fuzhou East Street, the busiest port of the phone found the film market, a small protective film of mobile phones, price from a few dollars to dozens of dollars or even hundreds Yuan. When asked why the price difference is so large, a small traders explained: "everyone purchasing channels of different", "a price in stock, your relatively clear, radiation protection, antistatic wear-resistant�� "Is not only the streets network to provide consumers a richer product. Reporter on Taobao enter "phone beauty" or "mobile accessories" keyword search, out of hundreds of thousands of results right away, all kinds of mobile phone decorations, Star flashed phone against drilling, colourful mobile phone shell, mobile hairdressing materials, a dazzling array of products to meet different consumerDemand. But reporters found that compared with a cheap mobile phone, these dozens of jewelry not cheap of even hundreds of mobile phone accessories, and "squandering charming eyes", pricing water so people can't read. As far as I understand, you want to make a post drill casing, generally require material, shell, glue, diamond, triangle strips, materials and instruments such as tweezers, buy full-price basic tools and materialsDozens of Yuan, and purchased a post drill shell products, ranging from $ prices in dozens of dollars to hundreds of dollars, difference between forms a not small, profits of around 10 times. Even so, Taobao business on monthly sales are still up to thousands of and even tens of thousands of pieces. Is worth soared: hidden under the large profits shanzhai products a small table, a coupled with a craft knife to write a fewSigns of these simple "equipment" people can easily do the film of mobile phone business. However, these similar unremarkable small business, merchants get a windfall of the tongue at first glance. According to media reports, on the wholesale market, frosted film of mobile film wholesale price $ 1.5 a, wholesale prices of HD film for $ 1 a piece, to a digital square,The "film" is worth soared, frosted film price each $ 50, HD films also rose to $ 30 each. In addition, a procurement costs of around $ 20 iPhone casing, can be sold in the store 100 or higher, profit up to several times. Consumer complaint's "sky-high" mobile phone accessories, a $ 10 cable, maintenance points out price of $ 120That "get slaughtered" frequent events. High profits for merchants brought a driving force for production of cell phone accessories. Industry sources, Shenzhen now has thousands of enterprises specializing in iPhone accessories, the market size has more than hundred million Yuan. In fact, mobile accessories market, in addition to profiteering, fakes have also become a problem not to be ignored. It is reported that in Zhanjiang cityPolice recently in touch enquiries had found a large factories producing counterfeit Nokia cell phones accessories, seized on the spot all kinds of fake Nokia mobile phone accessories products such as. It is understood, Apple China confirmed that Apple does not produce phone foil products, does not exist on the market called "iPhone original foil". Reporters visited FuzhouMobile phone film found in the process, many stalls mobile phone brand from film "nobody" to the "brand name" everything. Some traders also insists it sells brand-name mobile film is authentic, but when a reporter asked if there is no invoice began evasive. One owner admits that nobody cares that it is not truly authentic, as long as sellers are brand-name, there is a consumer rightIs willing to pay for it. Huge market demand and profit making some merchants in selling mobile phones, then it is highly recommended to consumers "accessory package". Introduction to business, selling an Apple gray iPhone 4S only earn more than 100 dollars and the sale of a piece of Apple foil can earn around $ 80, a cost of $ 50 Apple shell, can even be sold for four hundred or five hundred dollars. What is more, Some selling Apple mobile phone stores more than revenues from parts of 70%. Lack of standards: high price goods allow consumers the cottage "hurt" foil to protect the shell from the phone screen, from the cable to the charger, all kinds of mobile phone parts are expensive and there is no uniform standard. Mobile phone accessories under the situation of market prices has become the unspoken rules of the industry, we cannot help but ask, handWhy accessories market muddled? What the consumers into "to be slaughtered lambs"? First of all is the consumer "well equip the saddle horses" of opportunity for businesses starting at. Some consumers spend a lot of money after you buy a phone, always feel the need to buy additional products improve grade, even spending more with face hundreds of dollars. It was seized consumer mind,Will try to raise the price. In fact, some mobile phone especially the iPhone, production process have been strictly grinding, there was no need to paste the membrane and the shell, but after the foil reduces the sensitivity of the screen, will affect consumer action experience. Second, the accessories market in a State of disorder competition, market management standards are still missing. At present, in mobile phone accessoriesLower barriers to, from the production to the factory, from wholesale to retail, each link there is a regulatory vacuum, but internal specification has not established the relevant provisions, such as parts and pricing mechanism of control. In this case, bad businesses vulnerable to a loophole, often calling a stag a horse, bidding up prices, even selling the shanzhai products deceive consumers. Therefore, stepping up monitoring and developmentUnified industrial standards, is indiscriminate as a panacea. Currently, mobile phone accessories are the weakest part of the mobile phone market supervision, over time, or huoji to the entire industrial chain of sound development. Therefore, relevant departments should strengthen market regulation and supervision, formal manufacturers of counterfeit mobile phone accessories products increase the intensity of the fake, consumers need more rational selection of accessoriesProduct. Only in this way can a multi-pronged, in order to create a good market environment.

cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents

129836519526562500_136Ma cables on resumption of crash 8% amplitudes of up to cent NetEase finance, June 8-cable opening today $ 7.7, rose almost 9%, after the volume down, as of 14:17 view the site, MA cable reported $ 6.5, crash 7.36%, amplitude of 16.97%, being the two cities, Exchange 7.64%. Zhejiang wanma cable company limited, suspended last January (cable, 002 click here,276) last night revealed restructuring plans, intended to be the controlling shareholder and other objects to issue shares to buy all three companies, has a total asset valuation of $ 1.009 billion, and intends to raise funds supporting up to 252 million dollars. [Scroll] United Kingdom Prime Minister, says it will not participate in the euro area "Banking Union" (06-08) [Scroll] lower Dow stocks Friday fell by 0.24% (06-08) [scroll] Hangzhou Health Department ordered Kentucky Fried chicken to reorganize user aeration does not disinfect the tray (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08)[Scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-08) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll], 93rd gasoline per liter $ 7.52 per cent of Guangdong (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform CommissionExplain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll]McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [rollingFixed] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter of 0.1% (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai 9Reduced to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline, 3rd (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power Enterprise (06-08) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: Chinese economy8% Yuan is still undervalued growth (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] regulatorBank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: GreenCity sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll]Retail prices of gasoline and diesel in the highest form in the various provinces (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power gridDutch creative high this year (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-08) [scroll] Federal Pharmacy sewage local government issued a denial of alleged breaches (06-08) [scroll] Korea Eximbank urges North Korea to repay loans for food (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market impact| Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] RiverSu auto group broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [share] two outflows of 80Millions of banks being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions fewer mortgage-20 3.60,000 bonds cancel issuing [finance] rich dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System

only scored 5 goals

129838042554062500_61Cologne Gao Zhongfeng heart Yizhong Super team wishes to recruit former Bundesliga copper boots Yeah sporting on June 10 from Germany Web site of the Liga-zwei message, effectiveness in kelongdui Nova Kovic has been super teams invited. Novacovici, 33 years old, stands at 1.91-meter, has received $ 2010-11 year the Bundesliga League bronze boots. Novacovici is Slovenia international, as the CenterPlayers, at the foot of his technology is not only able to score, but also create opportunities for his teammates. This big and flexible forward players, undoubtedly has a large market in the Super League. Novacovici players belonging to the late bloomer until 2006, at the age of 27, he is the first representative of national team appearances. In 2006, Novacovici wonBulgaria League gold boot, move to kelongdui in the same year, began to be concerned about. Kelongdui, Novacovici got more of a chance. 2007-08 season, Novacovici 33 appearances, into 20 goals, in addition to become the best striker of the German League, led into the Bundesliga in Cologne. Into the Bundesliga, Novacovici still grabEye, captures 30 game has 16 goals, the efficiency is very high. 2010-11 season, Novacovici into 17 goals to become the Bundesliga bronze boots Awards winner, reached a peak of career. However, as a result of injury, Nova Kovic Bundesliga League last season was not very good, only scored 5 goals, at the same time give out 4 assists,Kelongdui was once again dropped to category b. Obviously, increased with age, Novacovici had lost the position in kelongdui. Although the contract to expire in 2014, but Novacovici want another environment, so as to continue their career. This time, Super team on the contact Novacovici, hoping that he can reach the Super effective. Whether forSelected China Team Novacovici does not make a stand. While the European transfer market to Novacovici assessment is worth 3.5 million euros, but given the young State and factors, kelongdui is sure to sell the player. Novacovici ability is not a problem, if his health status and be able to resume, in Super game also will be a big threat.


129836519557500000_196 <a href=""></a>20% small micro-enterprise "half cut off" Yangcheng evening news a few days ago click here, national development and Research Institute of Peking University joint Alibaba Group published the research report on the financing situation of small business and micro-enterprises in Central and Western. It is understood that the report on Midwest regional 1407 small micro-enterprise networks research, 73 of the core city and region 3 little micro-enterprises for the investigation of the site visits. According to Midwest small micro-enterprisesStarts at just 60% nearly 6 months, net profit fell in the 49% of a micro-enterprise. In the Pearl River Delta, starts at 50% (in a long time or break) investigation of small micro enterprises accounted for only 21%. 2011 small micro-enterprises in coastal regions rising wages generally more 2010 20% per cent, some as high as 40% per cent.Labour costs continue to increase, making three coastal regions also appears in the number of drop. Worthy of note is, by investigation small micro-enterprises employees ' main reason for the reduction in the number of regions with different, largely due to reduced cost compared to Yangtze River Delta and the season initiative to reduce manpower, the Pearl River Delta region "recruitment" is because the pay is too low. (Lin Xi)


129838018899687500_78 <a href="">see the site</a>Maggie Cheung insurance sheets knocked down by a car riding men immediately apologize Maggie Cheung appeared in Beijing risks sheets knocked down by a car. Chinese net-Wuhan morning post reported on June 10 in recent days, Maggie Cheung (click to see Maggie Cheung, film and television work of the hero visit the site, and the clean) show up Beijing's SanLiTun road, nearly being knocked down by bike on the other side, but cycling men immediately recognized the international superstar, was pleased to apologize.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

720 fell 0.37%. On the outside

129835668778750000_438Late rebound in non-ferrous metals also fell just a Flash in the Pan Today's domestic non-ferrous metals all fell sharply after a strong rebound later in the mornings, rally rally was only a blip. On specific varieties, Shanghai copper sharply early afternoon all the way down until it hit its lowest close at the close of 53,640, 0.07%, transactions and positions are not much has changed, market Outlook remains bullish; Shanghai aluminum, zinc-lead-Shanghai, Shanghai ShanghaiCopper in the night all the way were volatile downward trend, Shanghai aluminium slipped to its lowest point after 15,860 slightly back, finally fell at 15,890 0.06%; 1208 lead Shanghai charge 15,030 falls 0.23%; 1209 Shanghai zinc cent 14,720 fell 0.37%. On the outside, most of LME metal during Asian midday floating green, up to Beijing16:00,LME, LME Zinc copper contracts decreased by 3 months visit the site, 0.16%;LME Al 0.44%, LME lead up, 3 months contract, 0.1%. Message on the surface, its interest on the policy, the European Central Bank announced after the meeting, maintaining the current benchmark interest rate of 1%, this decision is consistent with market expectations, after the EuropeanChau Central Bank Chairman addressed Mr Draghi says that Europe still faces downside risks, did not have too many amendments on economic expectations view the site, the news boosted market sentiment for a short time, but it also limits non-ferrous metals recovery space. Market today all eyes are focused on Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke will be in the United States Congress joint Economic Committee hearing on the speech, he said at the meetingQE3 you mentioned will be investors expect. In a complex economic situation, there are no clear macro-policy, European debt problems evoked the possibility of systemic risk still exists, short atmosphere is still dominant, non-ferrous metals rally expected should not be too high.

000 passenger lines

129838017193437500_66Police Department confirmed a sleeper will gradually be withdrawn from the market for passenger cars (units) Recently, the media said that once played an important role in long-distance passenger transport industry by sleeper bus causes due to security risks, and high accident rates, will be around in 5 years time, gradually withdraw from trading markets, existing long-distance sleeping car lines will be replaced by comfortable seats of passenger cars. Hong, it was reported, sleeper buses will gradually withdraw from market news, public security departments to respond in writing.Responded that, on December 31 last year, the Ministry and the Ministry of public security published see the site, No. 632 files. Which provides that, prior to the publication of the sleeper bus safety technical standards amendment, the Ministry suspended accepting sleeper bus declare the notice of new products; since March 1 this year, sleeper bus to suspend production and sales, the Ministry suspended all sleeper bus to the notice, the public securityOrgans traffic management departments registration sleeper coach suspended registration. According to the sleeper bus normal retirement time, this means that around 5 or 6 years, operating on a sleeper bus passenger market would gradually disappear. As far as I understand, there were business class sleeper passenger cars more than 30,000 vehicles, class nearly 1 million, more than more than 5,000 passenger lines, in some remote areas and transport in less developed, Sleeper passenger car traffic demand is relatively large. For the phasing out of the sleeper bus, many ferry companies have been prepared. Suzhou Lu, head of passenger group said, if the standard does change later, consider using some of the new requirements for standard vehicles. A-share listed major bus companies: Gold Auto (600,686), Yutong Bus (600066), ankai bus (000868) yaxing bus (600,213) zhongtong (000957)

[scroll] Korea Eximbank urges North Korea to repay loans for food

129836519495781250_81Lu Tesi replaced CEO SAIC to potential interested buyers Map: Danni・Baha is fried visit the site, Lu Tesi CEO of NetEase finance, June 8, according to foreign reports, on June 6, Lu Tesi CEO Danni・Baha (Dany Bahar) suspended investigation announced again after it was fired, and immediately appointed a new CEO. Foreign media said one of China's SAIC to Lu Tesi interested buyers, and the new owners DRB Group again darkShows no intention of selling Lu Tesi. There is an error because of the way management is accused, investigated Danni・Baha was temporarily suspended from the end of May this year. Lu Tesi Group announced that, after the DRB group to investigate the Baja, replacing the CEO to the Board decision. Aslam Farikullah, 51 years old, was appointed Lu Tesi new CEO。 Farikullah Baja check Lu Tesi during one of the three interim management, combined with Lukman Ibrahim and Mohd Khalid Yusof, CFO Rusman Zaihan management with the help of Lu Tesi cars daily. Bao Teng Lu Tesi and parent company continue to operateUnder poor conditions, reports of other car companies wishing to purchase Lu Tesi continuously. Potential buyers of intent, in addition to the exposure of young Lotus cars before, the media pointed out that also including the Shanghai automotive industry group, and Luxembourg investment firm Genii Capital. However acquisition of treasure free again this hint has no intention of selling the DRB group Lu Tesi. DRB Group Executive TungMohd Khamil Jamil has served as Chairman of Lu Tesi, it said: "the road is committed to ensuring that future business operations of the group. Want to bring two-way and mutually beneficial, not only for the DRB group and Bao Teng holdings, also to Lu Tesi group and staff, and United Kingdom cars contribute to industrial growth. "[Scroll]IMF: ChinaEconomic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redemption (06-08) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] silverCouncil question and answer session on capital management of commercial banks (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-08) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll]The magnificent: Greentown sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose projects for poverty alleviation (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [Scroll] various provinces, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] GuangdongNetwork tracking load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll] expert analysis that the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boots can floor people enjoyedWelfare (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates banks rolling price-earnings ratio fell to 6.28Double (06-08) [scroll] Federal Pharmacy sewage local government issued a denial of alleged breaches (06-08) [scroll] Korea Eximbank urges North Korea to repay loans for food (06-08) [scroll] CDB 109.5 billion in new affordable housing lending industry last year accounted for more than Super60% (06-08) [scroll] Beijing double Celestial Street longhu May sign $ 3.35 billion revenues exceeded 1 billion (06-08) [scroll] sinolink securities: focus on rating Fund fixed income characteristics (06-08) [scroll] China: General Secretaries of the company a monthly salary of 3Rumors are false (06-08) [scroll] experts are expected in the future in oil prices back to 7 times as much downside were more likely (06-08) [scroll] United States Honorary Chairman of the APEC Centre: China's economy will speed up again next year (06-08) [scroll] interpretation of fund interest rate cuts:Enter the easing cycle a-shares are expected to rebound (06-08) [scroll] Germany's Central Bank raised its 2012 forecast for GDP growth and inflation (06-08) [scroll] HSBC: cutting interest rates bullish correction still needs some time (06-08) [scroll] Li Daxiao:Oil prices down to benefit transportation stocks good (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Sun private care to the weak market Outlook (06-08) [scroll] Fund initiative to reduce the positions of large companies this week to jiancang main (06-08) [scroll] SUNY purchaseInvested 200 million upgrade price war aimed at cat Jing dong (06-08) [scroll] Everbright PRU us: warmer save opportunities of the market optimistic about the real estate brokerage sector (06-08) [scroll] Shanghai Middle: methanol market weak shock unchanged (06-08) [scroll]Boshi: cut release steady downward growth signals market space is limited (06-08) [scroll] Ma Guangyuan: oil prices from "falling into place" long (06-08) [scroll] Niu Li: the fall in oil prices on oil products sales traction co (06-08) [scroll] China responseGeneral Secretary of sky-high pay Payroll Department forged (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Lin Bo Qiang | topic around this fall in high oil product prices modification | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green cityKuranari 2nd largest shareholder, Kowloon | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: oil product Super chlorine content United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] PearlFoxconn denies sea Canon require employees to long-term leave Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to [stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand constructionGlobal youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [financial] rich dating $ 40 see the site,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal ReserveStandby system

team's trip to military training and exercise team. On the strength of it

129836429964687500_176China tried first Crown in the second Yangcheng evening news reporter Su Xing report: 2012 world women's volleyball Grand Prix races in Macau today broke out, China will turn and Puerto Rico, and Argentina and Thailand team warring. Because the opponents are not to participate in the Olympic Games of London team, team's trip to military training and exercise team. On the strength of it, these teams only in Thailand can pose some impact to the Chinese team,The Chinese team, won the competition is not the main purpose of this site, training team lineup is the walkthrough. Middle hitter Ma Yunwen said in an interview before the match, "Grand Prix is the official competition for the first time this year, while opponents Macau station is not Olympic competitors, but we still need to beat their level, training portfolio. "In the train at the end of April, the main attack WangA ligament and had to leave the surgery. Therefore the Chinese women volleyball team is likely to go back to the route of the powerful support of last year's Grand Prix, with spring buds as the main support, took turns testing chujinling, linlin fan, Yang Jie three Spiker. As requested by the FIVB, reported to the list of 24 people, 15 people's Congress of China's women's volleyball training in addition to the previous list, has also been added to Yin Na, And Qian Wang visit the site, and Chen Liyi, and Mr Shipman, and Qiu Yanan, and Shen Jingsi, Yang Zhou, Yan Ni view the site, Wang Na, 9 name does not participate in national training team. Chinese Grand Prix Macau station schedule June 8 China VS Puerto Rico June 9 China VS Argentina (CCTV5) June 10, China VS Thailand (CCTV5)

GM play mode

129838917384375000_38The gods world beta online games Sanko action exposure Nineth city first expansion of its online games of the gods "spirit world" will be held on June 15 Beta. Team play copy-custom-character properties, astrology system and a comprehensive upgrade of GM functions are featured in the will of God in the world! Not including product expansion, of the gods in the world of the open beta of heavy build large player activities--all online mall Sanko exposure today,Baikuan popular online game props, moving light! Choose light! Give light! God the world end tradition "baikuan popular online game props cards optional to select free delivery" of the gods have been launched in beta five years five players plan, giving the player five years network VIP qualifications to help players make all privileged users identity; and the God of the world launches online shopping mallSanko operation visit the site, send baikuan top online prop cards, covering all types of online games, for 70 million online players, players are free to choose the items you want, no need to spend money to get any one of the games best props, and point cards, free to play their favorite games, the God of the world help you with your pay. The activities of the will of God the world combined with China's largest virtual goodsEasy portal 5,173 jointly held, during the event, 5,173 successfully completed transaction, you also get the gods sent out more than the world trade price in cash and card rewards, free highlights the poor play of the gods in the world. The theme of the world God live wallpaper "subversion of domestic online games business benefit of millions of free players" referred to the domestic online game business model, Our first thought is "black" and "unfair", a few RMB become even more domineering players, most of the free player lackluster. Gods of the world seeks to pass the event made a real effort, improvement and subvert the domestic online game business model, free of charge for most players really reap benefits, creating the maximum possible fair chance, barrier-free gift baikuan popular online games for freeCard number and thousands of paid props, let the free players are able to play in your favorite online games readily. No matter which online game you are playing, on which the best props salivating, as long as the participation of the gods in the world of the open beta, these are at your fingertips. Also, the God of the world Astrology system, dynamic copy of the official beta launch and many other custom games are played and the revolution's firstGM of self-mode, is to insist on absolute innovation, traditional, attempts to design not found in other online games, the highest privileges open to players of the game, players create a high degree of freedom and a custom experience. Advanced permissions to everyone, for free, how to play, how to play, to create a fair and innovative gaming space. Endless days flying heaven "easyProcess 100% successful "Games Centre Sanko operation with the official beta of hot start in the world of God, the registered account can participate in activities, to choose their own favorite game best props, and point cards, completing simple daily tasks in the game to 100% successful, completely free of charge. If the God of the world highlights touched you, you decide to select theGod you will be playing online games in the world, the gods there will also be free to you twice your selected articles (prop, point card) value of the gods of the world and cash point cards, help you poor play of the gods in the world. Endless days BOSS set the endless days of epic epic BOSS set a real screenshot of the gods of the world of the gods in the world of the real screen shots of the godsReal screen shots of the world "on the world of God," the God the world is the Nineth city its self-help online games of the gods of Mythology of Superman introduced the first large expansion. The God of the world leading game Super high degrees of philosophy, GM play mode, stereo copies of dynamic, rich custom Subversion such as innovation, leading online innovation trends, players everything:GM model--the traditional online GM full open, free of charge, break the rule, creating ultra high degree, like how to play how to play! Stereo copy dynamic-mode-adopted to break the traditional mechanical and confrontation, introducing dynamic real-world, real three dimensional spatial patterns and random event triggers, every challenge is very different! Character propertiesConcept of definition-fun star, divination to awaken the ancient star pulse, defines the characters ' personality development, multi-perfect state, creating a legend of Ares! Custom-equipment-equipment appearance, properties, independent set, optional to preserve, replace, transfer, traditional, completely self control!

Friday, June 15, 2012

UPS announced Diablo 3 CD-KEY UPS announced - ZZVC

129836519520625000_125UPS Asia Pacific for handsome domestic express licence is "hands" On June 7, UPS announced, appointed 31-year UPS bulandeng·kanawan (Brendan Canavan) for Asia Pacific, the company responsible for the UPS operations in more than 40 countries and regions in Asia. UPS said the former Asia Pacific, Derrick · wood Ward (Derek Woodward) returnsUnited States work as a major strategic project leader. Day before the UPS announced for handsome, on June 6, the national post office Secretary Ma Junsheng, respectively met with United States President for FedEx China Eddy Chan and Richard Loi, Senior Vice President of UPS Asia Pacific, President and Chief Executive, the two companies do business in China have communication problems. The industry believes would also confirmThe two foreign companies are expected to quickly express domestic licence. During Woodward served as President of the Asia-Pacific region, through the implementation of various measures, the UPS operations in Asia as a whole has been significantly enhanced. Includes UPS in Korea joint ventures into wholly-owned operations and opened two new distribution centre--UPS Shanghai hub inPut into use in 2008 Diablo 3 gold, UPS Asia-Pacific transshipment center in 2010, located in Shenzhen. And has also been involved in UPS's acquisition of joint venture partner in China, and eventually led to establishment of locally-owned operations. "Maybe just normal UPS of personnel changes. "China Federation of logistics and supply chain management Director Huynh Cuong thought, and even get UPS domestic expressLicence, challenges set before UPS are likely more opportunity. According to the current operation mode of UPS, most likely due to its losses. Therefore, changing the CEO might want to seek new ideas, breaking the predicament. New Asia-Pacific CEO bulandeng·kanawan was born in Philadelphia, joined UPS in 1981, as a part-time package handling workers. After 31 years, KannadaUPS held various operations positions. Prior to the post of President of the Asia-Pacific region, Qana, headquarters of UPS, based in Brussels, the European President of the Northeast. Canavan in UPS acquisition of Poland's leading parcel and courier services company after Stolica played a key role in the successful transition of. At the same time, he also restructured for the UPS Europe business, integrationUPS operations in 27 countries in Europe Diablo 3 CD-KEY, including Italy, and Austria, and Hungary, and Switzerland, and Romania and the Czech Republic and Russia. [Scroll] IMF: China interest rate cuts expected growth this year 8% delivered steady growth signals (06-08) [scroll] in international oil prices have fallen sharply (06-081:30) [scroll] Foton intends to pay $ 1.782 million in Brazil to set up subsidiaries (06-08) [scroll] development and Reform Commission, explain the reduction in oil prices than markets expected reasons (06-08) [scroll] panzhihua iron and vanadium-titanium intends to raise its mining assets does not exceed 12 billion to buy angang (06-08) [scroll] oil prices out downward to reduce cost is a matter of urgency (06-08) [scroll] McDonald's global same-store sales increased by 3.3% May (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank: implementation of prudent monetary policy requirements meet the real economy (06-08) [scroll] soldiers loaded group quit and jianlibao joint venture company sold all 30% shares (06-08) [scroll] bright dairy private placement approved haitong securities escort (06-08) [scroll] France's Central Bank forecast the economy will shrink in the second quarter (0.1%-08) [scroll] Shanghai: cars with LPG retail prices drop 3 cents (06-08) [scroll], 93rd Shanghai fell to $ 7.58 per litre gasoline (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank cut interest rates by 25 basis points financial costs of electric power enterprises (06-08: 47) [scroll], 93rd, Beijing fell to $ 7.64 per litre of gasoline (06-08) [scroll]IMF: China's economic growth this year 8% the Yuan is still undervalued (06-08) [scroll] Wharf: stake in green city is a strategic investment trust Greentown to redeem (06-0820:32) [scroll] Lufthansa Cargo to confirm closure of Emerald Air says it will not pull out of China (06-08) [scroll] CBRC commercial bank capital management question and answer session (06-08) [scroll] Green City: year to date sales compliance 38% free of price reduction program (06-080:20) [scroll] Song Weiping: decline in transaction prices matter don't mind a voice (06-08) [scroll] Hongwei ZHANG: green city sells unit to survive the "live" is the most important (06-08) [scroll] Chongqing 1200 poor farmers will choose the poor construction (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first new highs in June this year the gap will be reduced (06-08) [scroll] various provinces TERA Gold, gasoline and diesel retail price table of the highest (06-08) [scroll] China's petrochemical and Russia chemical signed cooperative agreements (06-08:41) [scroll] shares in the face of major tournaments feet soft European Cup magic spell can break (06-08) [scroll] tracking of Guangdong power grid load's first year record (06-08) [scroll] Chairman Wang Runpei Pearl River Piano resigned due to physical reasons (06-08) [scroll]According to expert analysis of the price reduction was too small (06-08) [scroll] oil prices second cut boot floor people could enjoy the benefits (06-08) [scroll] monitor display: since the beginning of June, pork prices rose in the northeast (06-08) [scroll] in early JunePork prices rose in the Northeast since (06-08) [scroll] Central Bank rate cut Bank scroll fell to 6.28 times times forward earnings (06-08) [scroll] Federal Pharmacy sewage local government issued a denial of alleged breaches (06-08) [scroll] Korea EximbankUrges North Korea to repay loans for food (06-08) [scroll] CDB 109.5 billion in new affordable housing lending last year than hyper-60% (06-08) [scroll] Beijing double Celestial Street longhu May sign $ 3.35 billion revenues exceeded 1 billion (06-08) [scroll]Sinolink securities: focus on rating Fund fixed income characteristics (06-08) [scroll] Sinopec: rumors untrue Company Secretary of the General monthly salary of 30,000 (06-08) of gasoline and diesel respectively, down $ 0.39 per litre and $ 0.44 | Stock market effects | Successive adjustment | Around the topic |Lin Bo Qiang: modified by the fall in oil prices high | Oil prices or will continue down | Pulling sales limited green city Kowloon Kuranari 2nd largest shareholder | Will sell 10 billion project | Hongwei ZHANG: to live the most important | Special counties in the private tomb of Super Deluxe [financial] auto group in Jiangsu Province broke down continued: products chlorine contentSuper United States 6,000 times [financial] Green City continue to "sell one's soul self" shares the wharf to raise $ 5 billion Hong Kong dollars [financial] Canon Zhuhai require employees to long-term leave Foxconn denies Chengdu riots [financial] silver insurance business in China Construction Bank fell regardless of performance not to be punished [shares] the two outflows of 8 billion shares being the banks to buy points to[Stock] SFC: restructuring share insider involved shall suspend the restructuring of listed companies [commercial] learn from Liu brand-building the global youth unemployment highest national [commercial] 8 questions that must be asked before the venture venture capital is like a pair of power-law distribution of [financial] Central Bank rate cut millions of mortgages issued 20 36,000 fewer bonds cancel [finance]Wealthy dating $ 40,000 spare cash to finance activities of interest exposure pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

the formation and development of the industry is not a Government-led SWTOR Credits the formation

129838017192031250_63Shawn Xu: economic downturn not regardless of the policy in the second half to reverse Figure: Shawn Xu, an economist at the China Europe International Business School professors, famous "2012 top 500 foreign trade enterprises in China Forum", China Europe international business school, a famous economist Professor Shawn Xu (microblogging), trustworthy growth in an economic decline again placed before the restructuring is a repeat of 09 fate, was kind of thirst, the effect is non-Limited, but further deterioration in GDP structural imbalances in the short term. He believes that regardless of the policies adopted in the second half, will not reverse the economic downward trend gradually. He pointed out that the enterprise behind the lack of demand for loans is the lack of reaction of new investment opportunities, lack of profitable investment opportunities, when we see a large iron and steel company invested heavily is notBuilt of steel, but a pig when you know what degree of excess capacity has seriously. He pointed out that the quarterly expansion of monetary policy not only does not solve the problem, instead of creating illusions for enterprises, enterprises that rely on strong measures of the Government, can ride out the storm. Enterprise is busy expanding capacity, scrambling to compete in the market share, gave up the opportunity of transformation. ManyEnterprises in regret if 08 it once was to leverage internal and external pressure to seriously do a good transition, not so called today. Speech at Shawn Xu, particularly referred to the Government on civil capital alike when you want, many times interrupted by spontaneous applause of participating entrepreneurs. Following Xiao-Nian hui to speak memoir: Shawn Xu: members of the fellow countrymen, members of the business communityFriends, good evening. Back home, mood is happy, also very honoured to have the opportunity here to China's economy and foreign trade and the countermeasures in the form of an Exchange with you. We are here today is the top 500 foreign trade enterprises launches, but so far I regret to see on stage speeches by government officials is scholar, protagonist of our foreign trade enterprisesNo one to speak here. I think we are 30 years reform and opening up has created a powerful export zhuanxiang export-oriented industries, the formation and development of the industry is not a Government-led Diablo 3 gold, nor scholars talk about, but an enterprise. So I hope that our policy focus turned to enterprise level, academic level, only the development of these enterprises, outside of ChinaTrade can develop. We all know that the current situation very serious, now shrinking international markets, declining international economic growth, actually 08 financial crisis continues, not some secondary aspect, but 08 global financial crisis exposed the seriousness of China's economic structural defects, continuing outburst. Our problem is not resolved,Even worse, today's situation. Economic growth this year will gradually decline, regardless of what kind of policy taken by the Government, I will not change the downward trend. Because it is only on the macroeconomic regulation and control, rather than on the micro-control seriously. In response to 08 years of financial crisis Diablo 3 CD-KEY, 09 launched a great expansion of the financial policy, you know the 4 trillionAnd put so many resources just for several months on the bomb, several months of increases in GDP, we now see a shot that after playing, have revealed structural problems. Quarter expansion of monetary policy not only does not solve the problem, instead of creating illusions for enterprises, enterprises that rely on strong Government measures to ride out the storm. Businesses are busy expandingForce, scrambling to compete in the market share, gave up the opportunity of transformation. Many enterprises in regret, if 08 had the time to leverage internal and external pressure to seriously do a good transformation, not so called today. When the economy is down again today, we reproduce the good old days, trustworthy growth prior to the restructuring, I personally think that, regardless of the policies adopted in the second half,Will not reverse the economic downward trend gradually. Because today's non-09 financial year comparable local budgets is very tight. You can pull as much GDP? is very limited. And we now see the grant projects are in the Government's own circle of overcapacity. In large steel mills, for example above. We have excess iron and steel industry, why invest capitalGold? Not to adjust the economic structure of China rather than GDP further deterioration of the structural imbalances in the short term. This is the thirst of the policy. Its effects are very limited and will cause great harm to the long-term development of the Chinese economy. In an economic downturn, people are concerned about the Central Bank's monetary easing. I think that even if the Bank's monetary easing at this time, there will not be any effect,Because today we have to recognize that corporate reactions behind the lack of demand for loans is the lack of credible investment opportunities, lack of profitable investment opportunities. When we see a large iron and steel companies investing heavily not to build steel, but a pig when we know what degree of excess capacity has seriously. If short-term then expansionary monetary policyBoost demand, further deterioration of the consequences are excess capacity, for the future of China's economic structural adjustments more difficult. What we urgently need now is to rethink the policy of stimulating domestic demand, it must be changed from steady growth policy on the level of the Centre of gravity adjustment, on the regulation in the first place, not to repeat, do not further delay, drag cannot be adjusted, a situationCould be envisaged. Several leaders, told several friends some how to change the unfavourable situation of foreign trade, these views I was in favour of the enterprises to go out, to research and development, innovation, these countermeasures here, I think, you know, don't need I repeat. My question is, why do these strategies as we all know, until now no serious fallsReal? Why is that? Where is the reason? I think the key is in the system environment, mainly because of our enterprise business environment has not been fundamentally improved. To truly promote restructuring, I think it is imperative that institutional reform, rather than irritation of the new policy introduced. As long as your system right, companies know how to deal with difficulties. But the problemIn the enterprise, I observed the two problems, first is the macro-policies for illusions, also on the sidelines, in the hope that the Government can turn things around like 09. I would like to say to business, 09 then a lot of money and no change. Now in the case of Government funds expansion of space is very limited, impossible to go the reins, enterprises must loseFantasy, your transformation really well, really do the upgrading of products, technologies and services. We've run out of time, we have wasted much time, now is no time to waste. In addition to macro-control policies beyond illusions, another reason is that enterprises do not have to actively do upgrade, because our system environment.I here emphasize the viability of private enterprises and the institutional environment, in recent years, Guo Jinmin back trend was growing, folk psychology of hatred of the enterprise are own property do not have access to effective protection, so our businesses do not do long term investment, not to do the long-term upgrading of preparations, is still keen on some fast track approach for projects,The traditional price competition to maintain their market share. To our enterprise truly able to make breakthroughs in innovation and research and development, to strengthening the protection of property rights, enterprise security, equal to enterprise environments, otherwise he is not going to upgrade, because upgrading to long-term plans, to invest a great deal of resources, not saying a Word can do it, does not mean thatGovernment calls for a sound, economists up can do. First, to strengthen the protection of property rights, private enterprises, including foreign-funded enterprises and State-owned companies have equal conditions of competition. On the legal, policy, market access, access to funds on top, on resource consumption to be treated equally. Does not need to support policy. China 30 years reform and opening up, we have had anAs a rich entrepreneur resources, you are allowing entrepreneurs to develop their potential, China's economic development is no problem, but you want to treat. Governments do not support this today, tomorrow to support that. Not old 36 today, tomorrow the new article 36, as long as one is enough: the same. You have only strengthened the protection of property rights, alike in all aspects, EnterpriseWill have long term plans, only to upgrading and innovation in research and development to invest can make it here safely, and China's economic growth. We can see now, entrepreneurs selling their own business, apply for a foreign passport. This is how long-term plans to upgrade your own enterprises and products? So I think we need to improveProperty conservation, conscientiously change the enterprises operating environment, of which there is very important, to serious tax cuts, reduce the burden on enterprises, not reduce, but tax cuts, government revenue share of the GDP during the last a dozen years rising, where money is coming from? Is, of course, and people from the business receives. Government money to do what? Cast iron, the GovernmentWhere to vote, we see is tail rot works, is the serious overcapacity. Minister Li and I are very sorry, but I say these things like policy development is not the same as the idea of, I'm just from primary observation. Government investment will be inefficient. Tax, and return the funds to the common people, can help the economic shift from investment-driven consumption of our country. EnterpriseCan find more effective investment channels, better investment projects, rather than the Government to invest in. So I think the current situation is very severe, but this grave is not necessarily a bad thing. In the face of difficulties we can change, go back more than 30 years ago by Deng Xiao-ping's developing road of reform and opening up, I have full confidence in China's economy is. Of course this timeFocused on reform of the internal system of reform and opening up and the internal opening, can be created only on the opening of a new investment opportunity, in order to create new job opportunities, only the reform in order to give full play to the enthusiasm of entrepreneurs, workers, farmers, and not simply rely on the initiative of the Government. We can rely on the enthusiasm of the 1.3 billion people out of the Woods. Business community said the last sentence, to give up magicThink, starting from today, focus on ideas and thoughts on how to speed up the restructuring and upgrading. How to do it you are the expert, I'm here to do is appeal decision SWTOR Credits, calling for social work, changing ideas, back to the reform and opening up, China's economic development potential is far from being exhausted. If we are able to continue reforms, continued to open up China's economy for a decadePeriod of high growth, I think that is guaranteed, thanks! [Scroll] British Chancellor of the Exchequer said the eurozone crisis damaged the British economy growth (06-10) [scroll] reduced vehicle gas prices in Ningxia (06-10) [scroll] common shares to be $ 10 1 15th equity registration(06-10) [Scroll] appear to be 10 $ 1.5 15th shares registration (06-10) [scroll] observation of monthly foreign trade data continues to be a high rebound (06-10) [scroll] steel: Ministry of science and technology from the six areas for SME development (06-10) [scroll] national record low pork prices since mid-May 2011 (06-10) [scroll] banks according to high interest rates put storage experts will help to promote market-oriented interest rate (06-10) [scroll] Minister of transportation: will speed up low-carbon transportation system(06-10) [Scroll] "Investment" Rogers: China stocks may find China's son-in-law (06-10) [scroll] May link alignment of market turnover rose (06-10) [scroll] Ning Luo high speed chain mengcheng 11 deaths and 59 injuries caused by traffic accidents (06-10) [scroll] energy saving consumer boom is expected to demand pull 450 billion subsidy Primer (06-10) [scroll] LI: China's financial reform is a prerequisite for the internationalisation (06-10) [scroll] Inner Mongolia was born the world's first transgenic cow can produce low-lactoseMilk (06-10) [scroll] "Yuan Tai Tau" market prices have fallen more 30% the fake silver coins (06-10) [scroll] foreign trade data show that China's economy gradually lower stabilisation (06-10) [scroll] Zibo Jin Zhentang company was suspected of illegally absorbing deposits in public officeInvestigation (06-10) [rolling]1-5 months 9% 310 million tons of iron ore per cent increase of imports (06-10) [scroll] Changchun: medium-large buyers favor (06-10) [scroll] generating capacity in January-May kWh per cent increase of 4.7% (06-10) [scroll] May processing 38.33 million tonnes of crude oil fell by 0.7% (06-10) [scroll] Toyota aiming at modern "nest" expert praised its strategy properly (06-10) [scroll] Spain "beg" euro group to prepare 100 euros bail-outs (06-10) [scroll] CSI limited stocks lifted by next week is worth about $ 12.1 billion for low levels during the year (06-10) [scroll] Ministry: support of the industrial transformation and upgrading of Qinghai province as soon as possible (06-10) [scroll] May import and export monthRecord (06-10) [scroll] release 12.1 billion in the market value of the two cities next week to low levels during the year (06-10) [scroll] 14 introduced policies encouraging expansion of Ningbo international markets (06-10) [scroll] national debit and whirlpool area top zouping County total size of 10 (06-10) [scroll] Xu Xiao-Nian: economic downturn will not be reversed regardless of the policy in the second half (06-10) [scroll] adjacent to cargo companies to suspend the liquidation industry development of refraction (06-10) [scroll] yinlu Foundry of wide medicine King old lucky red-greenLooming behind Nestl�� 's shadow (06-10) [scroll] coal accumulation of serious industrial electricity demand in Qinhuangdao port (06-10) [scroll] wuliangye establishment of marketing reform group to clean up the OEM brand (06-10) [scroll] luolai does not list the number of home textile stores shopManagement efficiency in doubt (06-10) [scroll] Palace cleaning shops selling goods should not be sold within few others produce (06-10) [scroll] Shandong "Asia's largest coin Museum" was closed down for illegal financing (06-10) [scroll] May rebound in steel imports and exports doubleOn imports to 60 million tons of iron ore (06-10) [scroll] social security spending huge sums into the stock market led faucet unit investment opportunity (06-10) [1.4%]PPI prices drop 2.5-year low | Fresh vegetables rose 31.2%| Egg drop 9.8%| Foods rose 6.4%[Data] in May before consumption per cent increase 14.5%| Fixed investment increased 20.1%| Basic real estate development increased around the 18.5% hearing final plan has yet to see the conclusion below | Stepped implementation of electricity price still have multiple questions to be solved NetEase finance week featured picture [financial] Canada Quebec Government sued tobacco companies$ 58 billion of claims [financial] Japan Prime Minister decided to restart the nuclear nightmare reappearance of people worried about leakage [financial] deep in the Qinling Mountains are a large number of villas real estate developers in the name of tourism development projects [financial] coal enterprises in Shanxi province buyout Highway 1/9[was not being questioned officials say financial] development and Reform Commission: 4 x 6 chicken egg price is still guaranteed edge[Financial] encourages private investment in Chongqing University of Southern Group will invest $ 1 billion to build the [financial] sleeper buses will be withdrawn from the market after 5 years 30,000 vehicles involved 5,000 lines [financial] euro group announced to Spain providing 100 billion euro loan [financial] national grid primary separation and closeout corner workers no longer qualify for dividends [financial]Authorities in Chongqing high profile "private" wishes to reverse the perception of the outside world special background pictures documentary: revealing the secrets of Foxconn, as United States Federal Reserve System Others:

" in fact TERA Power Leveling " in fact - VYII

129838042565000000_89Anji: Allan KG will be considered alternative portfolio adjustments with player Yeah sporting June 10 report: after the 7th war lost the East final, Celtic journey on the end of the season. Next, on the portfolio adjustments will be fans of the topic of concern. According to the information at present, three small Giants all possibility of staying, as the team's General Manager, Danny-Anji said there is no plan, but at the same time he also did a backStep: If Garnett and Allen not to return, he would consider a new replacement. "I don't know," was asked by reporters what happens next, Anji replied, "tell the truth, I really don't know, we will sit down and discuss with major players in the team and see what they want to do. KG and Thunder (Allan) now have the selecting so virtuousRight to play, so we also need to see if there is a suitable replacement. "" However most of the time not because of what I want, which is mainly based on team system first, to see what they need. Also have to take into account the players their own ideas, eventually made the team the best decisions. "In contrast Diablo 3 gold, coach Dauke-rivers still immersed in emotion whenAnd he was not willing to think about the future, today the last moments of the match, marked with tears in his eyes. "It is not yet known, I guess we'll wait and see, what will happen on the free agent market. Danny and I have talked several times, but I might not hear too much content, later we will look again. Now, I only want to be with this team,Only a few days, a few weeks SWTOR Credits, it doesn't matter how much time, I only want to be with them. "According to United States news reporters out, Pierce, and Allen and Garnett may not be staying for the next season, Garnett will choose to retire, Alan switched his team, Pierce, because of high age and salary TERA Power Leveling, will likely be the Celts to trade. But as a party, AlanUp also deny all knowledge of an event when he was identified only will be back next season. "I don't know what Kevin is on the other side," he said, "in my legs with his ability to play basketball, I pretty sure about it. So now it is hard to tell what's going to happen, what are the possibilities. I only know that we are four people (including the Landau) is clearly thePlay basketball, we know how to win the game. "Finally, a reporter asked Anji was a direct question: will you keep the big three all down? Anji is playing Tai Chi back to throw them to the players: "if they want to come back, I mean, if they want to come back, and no other condition. You know, this also involvesThe goals are consistent with each other, and portfolio structure with conflict, and so forth, if all links are not the problem, I would consider taking them back. "But then, Anji adds:" in fact, that is not the point, these guys think not just of back to back issues, they most want is to win. They love Boston, came back but can also take time toInspection, I talked to Allen and KG before the playoffs began, but so far have not received any reply. �� Others:

Viet Nam has 2 Chinese and Asian Cup qualifiers ended in defeat Diablo 3 CD-KEY Viet Nam has 2 Chi

129836429993437500_243June 08, color grade: [friendly match] arena in China is expected to King 5 Diablo 3 CD-KEY,052 international tournament the week China VS Viet Nam Beijing time the evening of June 8, international friendly match 1-field battle, mediocre architects of China in Asia to take charge at home against ruolv in Asia Viet Nam, bullish on China to win victory in the State well. While China play friendly match away from home 0:1 treasure lost in the 2010 World Cup champion Spain, but the team until the 84thMinutes before declaring the door fall, but from looking at the scene SWTOR Credits, China corrosion does not lose to Spain Rift Platinum, they progress evident. Needs attention is that in China and Spain 3 all races keep the victory before the fight, plus the young goalkeeper Zeng Cheng, midfielder relegation, and Qin Sheng Zhao Xuri recently played quite well, led by their King of the game arena in China askProblems are unlikely. Viet Nam to play friendly match away from home a 0:1 hegemony in Asia Japan, nearly 3 of the poor record of events has made only 1 win 2 defeat. To pay particular attention to is, Viet Nam has 2 Chinese and Asian Cup qualifiers ended in defeat, drove, lose up to a total of 8 ball, player clearly falls in the downwind in an array, the team challenged a higher strength class of China, Viet Nam I'm afraid hard to cope. Others:

claimed to be increased by more than 300 various features of Leopard appeared. About 4 TERA Gold c

129838007770312500_35Watch past WWDC Apple creativity with point selection WWDC 2011 was held on June 6. "Once again, change everything" before, Apple also how many times has changed our lives? Let us count the previous WWDC Apple's brilliant performance, see how great Apple's creative! See creativity all of the Apple WWDC highlights selected introduction to WWDC WWDC was "AppleBrain global Developer Conference "(Apple Worldwide Developers Conference) short, by Apple on a regular basis every year in the United States held in California. Its main purpose is to get Apple to show the latest software and technology to research and development. In the General Assembly in recent years, Apple is usually released MacPreview of the next version of the OS x operating system. Number of participating in research and development by the General Assembly in 2000 to about 4,200 people. In the 2007 WWDC, Steve Jobs said more than 5,000 people attended in its brief, previous participants up to the General Assembly. Successive first WWDC WWDC to watch selected 1983 Apple WWDC. LandPoints: Monterey, California (Monterey). First it was required to sign confidentiality agreements, as people like to participate in a secret ceremony witnessed Lisa appeared for the first time. The anti-media and public aware developers eyes ears only. WWDC 1987, very strange, Apple and IBM product launching event was arranged at the same Convention Center. On this, IBM introduced the PS/2 interface, and Apple's CP/M as the Mac II's resistance. Apple WWDC 1990 's shift to mass products. QuickTime on stage. WWDC officially released 1991System 7, supports multitasking, file sharing, and drag-and-drop the trash. WWDC 1992 yuehan��shikaoli (former CEO of Apple) on a venue with a bright color sketch pen meaning Apple's future. The WWDC the question is broader, including Newton, AppleScript, open collaboration environment, PowerPC and OpenDoc--Apple's open source framework, in response to Microsoft's OLE. Apple WWDC 1993 transferTo the PowerPC platform, 80MHz not seen in the Hall before the show the Power PC 601 processor, compatible processors before the development of the software, and revealed the QuickDraw DX (a smoother graphics and better print quality) and interactive help. Newton also anticipated to be finalised in the summer release. WWDC 1994--Dylan has released new models of object-oriented programming language, intended to expand the scale of business software. Apple WWDC 1995 ported to OpenDoc technology called Cyberdog project, it is an open source suite of networking, Apple it is intended to be spread to the public. WWDC focus 1996"Copland" plans at the time to some degree show. New Chief Executive jierbote��ameiliao said, according to the schedule of the system should be launched the beta version in late summer, and launched the first commercial version in late autumn. However, it was only available in very limited demonstrations, also does not give a beta version of the operating system. KatErbote��ameiliao at the same time showing a prototype of semi-finished products, in his view, this is a desktop of the future. WWDC WWDC was 19,971,997 years after Apple's acquisition of NeXT General Assembly for the first time, will also focus on efforts to use OpenStep as the basis for the next generation of Mac OS. Plan at the time was described as "RhApsody "the new system, which is based on a version of OpenStep Diablo 3 CD-KEY, and modify the look and make it more consistent with the perception of Mac," yellow box " TERA Gold, as well as to let existing Mac applications in the OS simulation implementation under the" blue box ". This time, Steve Jobs returned to the rostrum of the WWDC, released the next generation operating system-code "Rhapsody", from NeXT�� Jobs WWDC 1998 brought a combination of OS X--the essence of Rhapsody and NeXTSTEP, Copland to the rest of the system. This is the real future. At the meeting, Steve Jobs spent close to half time show developers how characteristics of Carbon, want them to transfer as soon as possible on OS x. WWDC 1999 surprising released PowerBooks and G3, exhausting the 50, then your OS 8.6, OpenGL, Java 2, and the first developer preview of Mac OS x, it looks the same after two years of official version is no different. WWDC 2000OS x promotion in full swing,Developer API instructions upon receipt of the final. Reference Qiao Yan: with this Preview Edition, developers can now free to build killer apps in OS x. WWDC 2001 Steve Jobs showed off a series of flat-screen monitors, Macintosh and all said the new factory will be installing OS x, than the original plan there are two months in advance. MaDebut c OS x Server also, there are new Power Mac G4. 1500 attendees each Apple brand jacket, its OS x flags are printed on translucent. WWDC 2002 launched Sherlock3, Rendezvous, and Quartz ExtremeAddress book and publishing OS x 10.2 Jaguar, it was one. Analog funeral held jobs, say goodbye to OS 9. WWDC 2003 launch of Safari as stable, and after 10 years of research and development of the G5 processor. Although speech leaked in advance, but do not have a large impact. Mosikaonixi (MoscoNE West) had center stage more. WWDC 20,046 until July 2, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Adds Dashboard and Spotlight, there's stunning 30-inch Cinema HD display. WWDC 2005From June 6 to June 10, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Release Mac OS x Tiger, this system is the fifth major upgrade of Mac OS x, which includes more than 200 new features. Apple into the x86 era, and the conversion kit for $ 999: a slightly changedG5 chassis as well as a preview version of the software. WWDC 20,068 until August 11, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Release Mac Pro, as well as the code for the new generation of Mac OSX Leopard operating system. New products carry a powerful quad-core 64-bit Xeon processor, TimeMachine, Spaces, Boot Camp announcement, claimed to be increased by more than 300 various features of Leopard appeared. About 4,200 developers from 48 countries attend the WWDC, WWDC Conference is the most massive over the years. 140 development of seminars and 100 Labs (hands-On Labs) activities. And there are more than 1000 Apple engineers participated in this activity. WWDC 20,076 until June 15, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). More prosaic WWDC 2007. Apple published codes of Mac OS x Leopard 105. and say: "the scale of release of Leopard beyond anyone's imagination, and that will bring more than the developer preview version. "9th to WWDC 20,086 months, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Publish iPhone 3G, and also announced that the iPhone 3GOverseas sale time, app store, Snow Leopard, MobileMe. Tickets sold out for the first time. WWDC 20,096 to June 12, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Publish a new MacBook Pro SWTOR CD-key, iPhone 3GS, Snow Leopard and Safari. WWDC 20106-month 8th, mosikaonixi in San Francisco (Moscone West). Once again, the key to change all the iPhone 4 theme, iAd, iOS4. Yes, the iPad is Ou Babu is also the Center for the Arts in San Francisco on January 27 (grass land Art Center) held by Apple press conference release, Not the WWDC 2010. WWDC 2011, Apple will have any surprises? WWDC 2011WWDC mosikaonixi 2011 will take place from June 6 to June 10 in San Francisco (Moscone West), is expected to be the iPhone 5, iOS 5, Mac OS x 10.7 Lion and the new version of the Macbook Air as the theme. Believe Apple will have surprises, you will not be disappointed. Others:

Thursday, June 14, 2012

the Shanghai Stock Exchange to clarify Diablo 3 CD-KEY the Shanghai Stock Exchange to clarify - UR

129833943194062500_381Analysis on the International Board: red chips return to annual financing of billions Imaginary fears. In a State of flux under the double pincer attack, rumors again hit a-share international Board. Eight ministries such as General Office recently forwarded the national development and Reform Commission of the guidance on speeding up the development of international cooperation and new competitive advantages, offered to foreign enterprises to the territory of the timely start pilot denominated stocks. June 4, index of low Gap opened, midday in huzhi close 2331.25, down 42.19. At noon SWTOR Credits, the Shanghai Stock Exchange to clarify, recent international Board has no substantive initiatives. But this message is not a-shares fell SWTOR Credits, as at the date of closing, the Shanghai composite index its biggest one-day decline since nearly six months, falling 2.73% throughout the day. After the close, the SFC also came forward to say that, considering international launches no timetable.From Yi League player statistics, in Shanghai and Shenzhen full-day staggering net outflow of funds of more than $ 12 billion. Where deep net outflow of funds in each of the two cities of Shanghai, $ 6.11 billion and $. Shenzhen 74 industry groups, rose only 1 plate and the remaining 73 stocks fell. Of which, the day before the main net selling of four parts which areCoal futures, real estate, banking, securities, net outflow of capital amounts throughout the day amounted to 919 million,, 732 million, respectively. The same day, Southwest securities analyst Zhang gang told reporters that, from the day the market reaction, investor understanding of the International Board is about to launch as a "crash" of understanding, now renewed international pushPoint are somewhat baffling. Analysis shows that from Everbright securities analyst Xue Jun, its underlying assumptions first listed red chips as the principal international Board, simulated by a red chips the size of international financing, and h-shares in recent years red chips return to the frequency and amount of simulation on the a-share market financing. Return of h-shares peak occurred in 2005-2007 between years. Their selection after 2005 as the calculations based on, since 2005 listed companies on average close to 4 per year, an average of $ 72.7 billion IPO practice every year to raise funds, raise money for every publicly traded company 19 billion yuan. Can be pushed on from the measure, if similar rhythms and frequencies of red chips returning and h shares, to return every year 4The basis-6, each financing at about $ 19 billion, roughly 76 billion-an average annual raise funds around 114 billion yuan. According to the above estimates, currently weak a-share is clearly overwhelmed. In fact, the IPO of shares currently bears enormous "task". Flush iFinD statistics indicate that, since the beginning of this year, including the firstFinancing, and refinancing, the a-share market financing amounted to 184.461 billion yuan. As of May 31, IPO proceedings (including in the first instance Diablo 3 CD-KEY, implement the feedback, postponing the vote, suspension review, have been disclosed in advance) enterprises as a whole reached 582. Hongyuan securities analyst Li Bin believes that international funds diversion effect for a share of influence, not only to much more than the New York Stock Exchange, And mature international securities markets, such as the London Exchange opened after the International Board's influence on other markets, also over Japan, and Brazil, opening the international impact on the local stock market after market. "You can expect, their distribution in the market system and trading system designed to be more mature and international market. New release system and trading system will be greatly attracted capital inflowsNew market, causing blood loss in the other market. "Li Bin said. In addition, the International Board of the future market size may be much more than a general exchange of international market. According to statistics, including the New York Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, the NASDAQ Exchange all volumes of the deals are usually in the international market 20%. But taking into account the International Board had planned market outside of RedBlue chips as an important part of the international market in the future, and the red-chip companies (such as move) scale, therefore, international market likely to far exceed expectations, as if 2007 oil return to China a-share Fund pressure on board market. At this point, mention the International Board is clearly substantial blow to the already fragile market. DachengjiGold (micro-blogging) about said a-shares largely converging attack of three bad effects on the day. First of all, is the recent release of May economic data poorly, followed by overseas economic prospects worrisome, and rumours of a forthcoming international plate. Statistical data show that May PMI data 50.4 per cent down 2.9%, and since the 2005 release of May calendarHistory from the fall flat, but overall is lower than market expectations. Similarly, announced on June 1 of the United States in May nonfarm employment weak, investors worried that United States economic recovery is weak. Responsible person of the Golden Eagle Fund also told reporters that, eight ministries and commissions United blowing the International Board to investors causing great psychological pressure. Fear of diversion of funds on the one hand and brought to marketConcerns fall on the other, caused further pressure for valuation standards on valuations. Integrated two-factor makes investors risk appetite showed a significant decline in the short term. Thus, short-term capital flow, changes in stock market valuations and investor ideas have a certain impact, some negative impact on the market. Others:

NetEase Diablo 3 power leveling NetEase - CFHZ

129828506521406250_327k7k named second carefree Cup Flash game competition launched Manufacturer-specific feeds, comments below do not represent NetEase second carefree Cup Flash game competition was officially launched. 7k7k inspirational Flash casual games Web site to create the most professional, the second carefree Cup Flash game Flash game contest is the first professional issuers: carefree and win-win culture dissemination limited company of BeijingAnd by 7k7k exclusive sponsorship, at the same time the joint leading open platform, game stations and domestic senior media together to create the Internet. This competition, in order to "work together to open platform, brings together original forces" as its theme, intended to pass the event, promoting communication and understanding between domestic authors, developing creative talent of the game, and the market potential, stimulating games ideas to further enhanceFlash development standards. This competition also jointly 7k7k games, SINA game, open platform Diablo 3 power leveling, pcgames, 17,173 360 games, games such as China National top ten together to create exclusive sponsorship 7k7k games portal "second carefree Cup Flash game competition". SINA, Sohu, NetEase, CDC,More than tianjiwang more than 20 media interviews with news on this race and spread. Competition also invites to Sina game, 17 SWTOR CD-key,173 7K7K, Jinshan quick play, Pacific, domestic well-known game sites such as the core editorial team as a professional jury. In addition, the youth network Association and Beijing copyright administration as the oversight unit, monitoring the competition works�� From 2010 to 2012, is a Flash game in the stage of rapid development of the Chinese market, benefits of Flash game developers in Japan has increased at the same time, is also facing a lot of problems, such as gaming rights difficulties, prevalence of pirated games, genuine game earnings instability, the competition hope that by means of a direct incentive cash awards, so that more of the excellent developmentCould have a more stable economic strength to support, develop more outstanding game works! This competition Awards amounting to $ 500,000, participating authors to share advertising revenue and the game pays income; award-winning author Diablo 3 gold, in addition you can make lots of cash awards, outstanding authors and teams will also receive exclusive interview with well-known media, games also will be focused on domestic well-known platforms pushRecommended! 7k7k collaborative creative platform of the carefree look forward to more excellent developers involved in the event, China Flash games contribute to the flourishing of a strength! Others:

may also refer to all WP7 phones now. Of course Diablo 3 power leveling may also refer to all WP7

129823442372968750_166Microsoft's PR representatives disclosed that: existing WP mobile phones can be upgraded WP8 WP8 upgrade problems concern once again had a new message, this message is from the famous Microsoft claimed di MSNerd. He said, Microsoft's public relations representative Waggener Edstrom said Microsoft's Windows 8 (x86) TERA CD-key, Windows RT (for next-generation ARM) and the WindOWS Phone 8 (for this generation of mobile phone) of three products. "This generation phones" is meant, may refer to the second generation, may also refer to all WP7 phones now. Of course, WP8 to support new hardware features TERA Gold, such as multicore, multiple resolution Diablo 3 power leveling, NFC is not available through software upgrades, but within two years the secondGreat upgrade, consumers will be pleased. via:WMP Others:

affected by the financial crisis and the effects of exchange rate changes TERA Power Leveling affe

129835668832187500_570Panasonic TV is not in list of energy subsidies raised again the industry speculation Recently, the 2012 "Huimin engineering TERA CD-key, energy-saving products" flat-panel TV promotion business directory published a few days ago, 15 companies 1460 TV model finalists. As the TV industry veteran Panasonic does not list of famous enterprises, experts speculate about this Panasonic color TV's recent poor performance, and current Japanese household appliances relevant collective recession. China economic NET this reporter had an interview with PanasonicElectric (China) people, but reporters until the deadline, have not yet received a reply. Without industry energy conservation subsidies raised speculation for why not to enter the list of energy subsidies Diablo 3 power leveling, some analysts believe that might is not up to our standard. It is reported that this round of subsidies on products are almost demanding requirements of energy saving, only the level of energy efficiency and energy efficiency index reached the level of 1.7 and above LCDAs the parties receive subsidies, according to the dimensional reference checks show, are currently able to reach this level of product market share of only 10%. It is understood the wave energy-saving home appliances subsidies take the form of financial subsidies to the home appliance manufacturer, appliance manufacturers and home appliance stores to cut subsidies to consumers in the form of, but payments by the enterprises first advance, and by theMinistry audit to the businesses after reunification. The industry believes, that some manufacturers will bring pressure on cash flow. Panasonic and poor results in recent years may be the "invisible barriers" on the outside. Traditionally, Panasonic has been the leading brand of TV business, but in recent years the most embarrassing is the television set sales. Panasonic's 2011 fiscal year net loss amounted to 772.1 billion yen and expected TV sales this year will fall from last year's 17 million to 15.5 million, or will remain on the television business losses. Scenery TV or no longer be squeezed out by appreciation of the yen, Japan earthquake, European debt crisis, specializing in consumer electronics market demand, Panasonic losses dragged down the main factors, at the same time in the China market spaceIs continuously compressed, and past brilliant scenery of Panasonic no longer. Media analysis said before, currently on the market in China, TCL, KONKA, CHANGHONG, Skyworth, Hisense, Haier, combined market share of domestic brands have occupied more than half of the market, among the foreign share of Korean brands such as Samsung, LG and firmly occupy the dominant position. In addition to manufacturing, distributionCost advantages, reaction speed of the Panasonic 3D TV, smart TV much less domestic brand TERA Gold, gradually losing market right. As one or two cities sales falling demand in the market, San��siji market is seen as the future market growth, but this segment of the market is firm control by domestic brands. Panasonic Plasma Panel as the most faithful advocates of this year sharply downPlasma TV shipments adjusting goals and fall in 2011 from 5.7 million to 2.5 million units this year, reduced size of more than half. Matsushita said that due to the scale of supply chains has done little, together with more established LCD manufacturing costs fall in product and technology catch up, were further marginalized by plasma TV. Blame product strategy is questioned the huge lossesLiu Buchen industry experts have said in a media interview, analysis of Panasonic causes of loss, deterioration of the economic environment, are factors which must be taken into account, but even more important is that Panasonic did not adjust their product strategy for many years, only lead to a sharp decline in its share of the TV market. Liu Buchen believes that times persisted in plasma Panasonic flat panel TV, and put it on theVery important strategic position, we all know that plasma is not precisely the mainstream flat panel TV, and Panasonic has not adjusted. However, Panasonic is not out of the traditional concept of natural, excess to the TV business investment. Last month by the President Ohtsubo of Panasonic company admits in the description, Panasonic there is excess investment in traditional flat-screen TV, in realAfter the effects of massive investment, affected by the financial crisis and the effects of exchange rate changes, overcapacity led to no real benefit. Worthy of note is that Panasonic shouted "no Chinese market, there are no Panasonic" slogan, but its business strategy in China as no change has been made. "China market product suitable for China's needs, Panasonic China madeNone of the suggestions or comments, to be approved by Headquarters. Such a long chain of decision-making, does not adapt to the market situation. "Liu Buchen. Others:

they are using today's popular Android operating system Diablo 3 Gold they are using today's popul

129836407522656250_108Super cool duo screen Motorola wins World XT760 released Motorola recently launched two smartphones--Motorola RAZR edge MT887 v and MOTOLUXE Feng Li MT680, they are using today's popular Android operating system, and support the TD-SCDMA network. Today, Motorola punches again and unveiled a name taken away for Motorola XT760 new Android smart machines. Motorola XT760 Motorola XT760 Medal is a medal bar touchscreen phone, looks sturdy fashion TERA CD-key, it has a 4 inch qHD (540x960 pixels)-grade touch screen, carry 1GHz GHz dual-core processor Diablo 3 Gold, with the 768MB 2GB ROM and RAM, and uses AnDroid 2.3 operating system, hardware and software configurations are standard of today's mainstream. Motorola WINS XT760 in addition, Motorola took the main XT760 with 8 million pixels camera, supports 1080p HD video recording and HD video output through HDMI, daily live entertainment can meet user needs. ToMotorola news display TERA Gold, the phone on sale now through authorized Motorola dealer for the national. Motorola WINS XT760 Others: