Thursday, May 17, 2012

the United States Federal Government was established Diablo 3 gold the United States Federal Gover

129809647060211250_137Profiles Washington, DC (English: Washington, D.C.) is a United States capitals, while the Federal area. Two parts of the name reflects its dual identity in English, Washington (Washington) is the name of capital, and D.C. "District of Columbia" (Of Columbia), and is the area of federal jurisdiction directly. United States Chinese commonly known as Washington. Columbia lands from Maryland and Virginia. Columbia is established, Potomac North Bank include George Town (Georgetown, D.C.), Washington (Washington City, d.C.), and Washington counties (Washington County, D.C.). In 1878, merged as "Washington", Washington, and Washington has a dual political significance by government agencies manage the same piece of land. Comma in its English name suggests that the double meaning. Washington Diablo 3 Gold, when the Potomac RiverSouth Coast includes the County of Alexandria, writing of Alexandria County (Alexandria County, D.C.), but local residents have been opposing out of Virginia, after several petitions in the local population, United States Congress on July 9, 1846, by law and approved by the General Assembly of the people of Virginia the Potomac South Bank's land from 1847Returned to Virginia. Washington, DC's highest authority for the United States Congress, through the Washington Government management. But Washington has only one no vote in the House of representatives of the people, are not represented in the Senate. "Colombia" is the United States the old poetic name, is now rarely used this name to call United States. "District oF Columbia "has the meaning as" United States ". In the Chinese translation is usually coupled with "special" characters indicate their special status. In addition to United States Federal Government agencies, a Washington, DC is the seat of the headquarters of many international organizations, such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Organization of American States. On March 3, 2010, Washington, DCSame-sex marriage Bill in effect, was born in sixth across the United States to recognize same-sex marriages. GEO-Washington, DC (Washington,District of Columbia/Washington d. c.) is located in United States of the North-East, close to the State of Virginia and Maryland. It is located in North38.913611 degrees West longitude-77.013222, with a total area of 177 square kilometers, including 10.16% of the area is water. Washington, DC in the United States where Washington, Southwest Virginia, and boundaries for the Potomac South Bank. Connected to the other three sides with Maryland. There are three River flows through Washington, Potomac River, respectively,Nacostia River and Rock Creek. Anacostia River and Rock Creek are all tributaries of the boduomakehe. Washington's highest point is 125 metres above sea level, is located in Tenleytown, minimum l Street Northwest and North West New York Avenue, rather than generally believed that Congressional ball. Washington Climate climate temperatureAnd the seasons. Average temperature in August is about 30 degrees Celsius and the humidity and frequent thunderstorms. Autumn mild average temperatures of about 20 degrees Celsius. Spring is relatively dry. Summer and autumn of rendezvous and hurricane impact. Winter temperatures can drop to below freezing, an average annual snowfall of 381 mm. Record high temperature is 41 degrees Celsius occurred on July 20, 1930, and 1918, August 6. Minimum temperature for the lingxia26du of history, occurred on February 11, 1899. Economy Washington's economy is to a large extent, with the Federal Government or Department of Defense, the Department of energy, the State Department of health, the food and drug administration, and other government agencies. Due to the operation of the Federal Government almost not affected by the economic effects of the great depression, and the United States compared to other regionsWashington's economy from the impact of the recession is relatively small. In Washington, including Fortune 500 companies. Booz Allen Hamilton Freddie Mac Fannie Mae Pepco Holding Incorporated Danaher NexTel Capital One Gannett, parent company of USA Today Washington, SLM Corporation NVR Incorporated the District of Columbia (17)? historical United States clashed in the capital after the founding of PRC. North hopes the capital in New York. WhileHope the capital in the South of the South. Final United States flag concession of both the South and the Washington, DC, in the United States creates a city not far from the North of the South as the United States capital. Geographic location is by James Madison (Madison (1751-1836, United States fourth President)) and Alexander HamiLton (yalishanda��hanmierdun, January 11, 1757 is one of the drafters of the Constitution of the United States of the first Secretary of the Treasury), Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743-July 4, 1826, third President of the United States of America. Is also the United States Declaration of independence the main drafters)Discussed at a dinner out. "Federal" city planning as a 100 square mile diamond district. Its physical location is located on the Potomac River from Washington, President, Washington, I also recommended that United States capital known as "Federal City". But on September 9, 1791, United States was named as the capital Washington. Washington himself while living in ChinaMount Vernon, George Washington, not far, but he rarely visits Washington. Washington is the United States Army major Pierre Charles L'Enfant plan, Pierre Charles L'Enfant also designed New York's Federal Hall. Plan of Washington emblem is based on the cart as a basicBased on transport, so Washington's road system is not suitable for modern automobile traffic system. Washington is now considered to be United States cities with the worst traffic conditions. Andrew Ellicott and freedom of people of African descent in 1791-1792 Benjamin Banneker to survey the boundaries of Columbia,Every mile laid a pillar. Many of which pillar is still there. On October 13, 1792, the White House as the Foundation. On August 24, 1814, was captured by the British forces in the war of 1812 the District of Columbia and burnt down most of the public buildings. United States army had failed to organize an effective defense and burning of the Navy Yard after the debacle. United Kingdom army is burningDestroyed the United States Congress, the White House and the Ministry of finance and other United States Government buildings. Generally believed Washington was burned down by the British forces on the US military invasion and burn down Toronto (then called York) retaliation. But British military action limited to public buildings, Toronto destroyed many houses destroyed in the US, resulting in many Canada people sleeping on the streets in winter. In 1847, the Potomac South BankTo return to Virginia. In the United States before the civil war broke out in Washington is just thousands of people living in town. United States after the outbreak of the civil war due to war needs, United States Government's rapid expansion, Washington residents increased significantly. In 1864, Jubal. Early, led by occupied for a short time in the army of the South Montgomery County at various places in the territory and attack to GohrenNamibia the Special Administrative Region. On July 11, Rockville and Wheaton along Rockville Pike in the army of the South (MD-355), New Cut Road (now Viers Mill Road MD-586) attacks to the District of Columbia within 5 miles short of the White House's FortStevens�� On July 12, Lincoln personally to Fort Stevens visited battle, United States only one President who took office during the war. An officer next to the Lincoln in Lincoln behind low walls of the castle of observers when the enemy was shot and killed. Jubal. Early Lincoln is the second Commander of the army of the former Vice PresidentCommission John Cabell Breckenridge. On July 13, Jubal. found Early in the North after the military received considerable reinforcements by the withdrawal of Montgomery County. En:Battle of Fort Stevens in 1870, the District of Columbia have established institutions of local government, butLocal government extravagance, United States Congress quickly abolished local government bodies on the District of Columbia have implemented direct management for nearly a century. 1888 Washington Monument opening. In 1950, the District of Columbia population peak of 802,178 residents. Subsequent population reduced because of the residents gradually moving to the urban periphery. 1961 on March 29, the Columbia residents ' right of access to presidential elections. Now the District of Columbia have 3 electoral votes, is the region with the most electoral votes per person. In 1974, Walter Washington became the District of Columbia's first elected mayor. 1976 Washington Metro opened. 1978 MarionBarry became mayor of Columbia. In 1990 he was sentenced to 6 months in prison for drugs. In 1990, Sharon Pratt Kelly became United States is just as important in the history of the first black female Mayor in the city. 1994 Marion Barry was elected Mayor again. In its 1994 termBritish Colombia HKSAR almost bankrupt, United States directly assigned a Finance Committee of Parliament. 1998 Anthony Williams was elected Mayor, his term of the District of Columbia financial recovery. He was elected again in 2002. On September 29, 2004, the Montreal Expos of major league official to moveTo Washington, was renamed as the Washington Nationals. United States capital of Washington, the full name of "Washington, DC" (Washington D.C.), is to commemorate the United States founding fathers George Washington and discovered new continent named after Christopher Columbus in the Americas. Washington administrative municipality by the Federal Government, does notBelong to any one State. Washington is near the Atlantic Ocean, located between Maryland and Virginia at the convergence of the Potomac R. and anakasidiyahe, small seagoing vessel up to. Official name as "Washington �� Columbia". To commemorate the Washington and named after Columbus. Urban area of 178 square kilometres, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region has a total area of 6,094 square kilometers with a population of about 55Wan. Blacks accounted for 60�C70% up. Residents are mainly for Federal Government officials, employees and their families; personnel regularly doing certain odd jobs for a few 30% (for black). Proposed by the first President of Washington, in 1790 as the capital (1800 years moved the city at his own expense), 1812 British military occupation, such as Congress, the Presidential Palace was destroyed. Since the 20th century, built as a modern city,United States political, cultural, and educational center, a United States Congress (Parliament), the Presidential Palace (the White House), Department of State, Department of Defense (the Pentagon) and the library of Congress, National Museum, old National Gallery, the new National Gallery, and Georgetown University (founded in 1789), George �� Washington University (founded in 1812) and other cultural and educational institutions. Famous MemorialBuildings, such as the Washington Monument and the Lincoln and Jefferson memorials. Tourism and related service industries as a major sector of the economy. Washington was a Bush, only a few cottages scattered in between. In 1789, the United States Federal Government was established, George �� Washington was elected as the first President. When the Congress held its first session in New York, location of capitalCaused intense quarrels, North and South two party members are located in the capital of the territory. Congress finally reached a compromise, selected by President Washington, North and South along natural boundaries-the Potomac R. aspect of the address is 16 km of the region as the capital, and France engineers, piaier��xiaer��Langfang presided over the capital master plan and design. Metro has not yet been completed, Washington 1799 death. In honor of him, the Metro completed in the following year was renamed to Washington. Washington is the United States's political center, White House, Congress, the United States Supreme Court as well as the vast majority of government agencies are located here. Capitol building (right) built in is called "Capitol Hill" on the highest point of the town, it is the symbol of Washington. This white building with a cupolaMain arm and connected East and West wings of the building, United States Senate Office in the Parliament building. The White House is a circular white marble building, after Washington United States Presidents Office and place of residence. Oval of the United States in the President's Office is located in the West Wing of the White House, South window is famous outside of the "rose garden". South Lawn of the White House is South of the building is "presidential gardens"United States Presidents welcome VIP ceremony held here often. Between the Capitol and the White House has "Federal Triangle" buildings, including federal government agencies, as well as the National Museum, the national archives, the Pan American Union, and the Smithsonian National Museum of the history of the Federal Reserve building. Of the Washington area's largest building is located in the Potomac R. Rivera of the United States Department of Defense Pentagon where.There are many monumental buildings in Washington. Not far from the Capitol, Washington Monument, 169 meters high, all built of white marble, take the lift on the top the scenery of the city offers. Jefferson Memorial and the Lincoln Memorial are also United States famous Memorial buildings. Washington also is the United States one of the cultural centers. City of Georgetown, and George �� Washington9 universities. Founded in 1800, the library of Congress is the world famous cultural facilities, Washington Opera, United States National Symphony Orchestra, the Kennedy Center for the arts are United States famous cultural institutions. There are quite a number of museums, international feminist Art Museum is one of them. Washington, United States National Museum of art, Museum of natural history, spaceMany renowned museums such as Museum. Washington municipal emblem shape looks like a flapping Eagle, pattern, close-range is the Washington Monument, vision for Capitol Hill and the Potomac R.. Huasheng city tree of American oak, flower for cuckoo chrysanthemum, bird, red bird, songs for the young in my hometown of Washington. On May 15, 1984, Washington and Beijing became friendlyCity. Chuck Brown famous figures Ian MacKaye Cokie Roberts population according to United States Bureau of statistics in 2010 the latest data, Washington downtown 601,723, black 50.7%, white 38.5%, Asian 3.5%, Indian 0.3%,Other ethnic 4.1%,0.1% are residents of the Pacific Islands. According to 2000 statistics, Washington residents above the age of 5 83.2% speak English at home, 9.2% said that Spain language, 1.8% said in French, 1% speak African languages, 0.5% in Chinese. According to the 2001 survey data, 72% residents of Washington for Christian believers(27% Catholics, 19% Baptist Church, 26% Protestants), 13% are not believers, 4% Buddhists, Muslim 2%, 1% Jews. Washington's white population of about 982,853. Population of 410,000, 72% per cent of the permanent population. This ratio is second only to New York of the United States second highest figure. Education in WashingtonColumbia, United States community colleges Association (American Association of Community Colleges) birthplace. Columbia University (University of the District of Columbia), Washington, ColombiaSAR only public universities University of national defense (National Defense University) United States universities (American University) United States Catholic University (Catholic University of American) art school(Corcoran School of Art), George �� University of Washington (George Washington University), Georgetown University (Georgetown University), Howard University (Howard University) dimension is tenderHill College (Mount Vernon College) Oblate College (Oblate College), Southeast University (Southeastern University) history of crisp Swiss Institute (Strayer College), Trinity College (Trinity CollEge), gailude University (Gallaudet University): students in special collection of deafness and hearing impairment. Crime in the early 90 's, Washington is considered to be United States "murder capital". Homicide in 1991 to achieve the highest level of 482. But now a homicide has sharply declined, for 2004, 2005. High incidence of crime in Washington for the Northeast, other areas of relatively low crime rate. But while falling crime rates in Washington, Northeast Maryland, Prince George's County, Maryland near Washington crime rates increased substantially. Washington remains the United States one of the most unsafe cities. Cultural Museum in the world famous Smithsonian museums (SmiThsonian Museum) most of the museums are located in the Washington area. Current Smithsonian Museum's Museum included Arthur �� M�� Sackler Museum, heshihuoen Museum and sculpture garden Diablo 3 gold, national air and Space Museum, national United States History Museum, national United States Museum of indigenous people, national natural history museumMuseum, National Portrait Gallery, the national United States Postal Museum, United States Museum of art, the Smithsonian Institution, national animal parks. National Zoo is the United States a few cities have giant panda exhibit. Smithsonian Museum there are exhibitions and research institution located in Maryland and Virginia. Freer Gallery and Sachs Art Museum (FreerAnd Sackler Galleries) a collection of Asian art, there is also a Museum in China. United States National Gallery attached to the Smithsonian museums, but operate independently. The library of Congress and the national archives are also important types of museum institutions. National Archives is currently in possession of United States Declaration of independence and United States Constitution originals. Many in Hong Kong Special Administrative RegionMuseums are free and opened to the public. Aerospace Museum is the most popular of them. Newspaper the Washington Post is the most important newspaper in the Washington area, as well as United States one of the most influential dailies. Daily issue of the Washington Times newspaper and weekly issue of the Washington City also has a large readership. In 2005, the residents of the urban perimeter-oriented hybridCheck log into the Washington family. Weekly issue of the Washington Blade, the focus on homosexual topics. The Washington insiders focus on African American readers. The world's largest Chinese-language newspaper "Sing Tao Daily" Washington branch established in nearby Maryland, Locke's Victoria City (Rockville). TV area TV stations in Washington including: Call sign radio channel WRC4 affiliated television network, the national broadcasting company (NBC) WTTG5 Fox Broadcasting Company (Fox) WJLA7 United States Broadcasting Company (ABC) WUSA9 Colombia broadcasting company (CBS) WDCA20MyNetworkTVWETA26 Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) WHUT32Total television network (PBS) cable television WDCW50CW TV station headquartered in Washington including C-SPAN reports to joint session of Congress, and predominantly African American entertainment for BET. Discovery Channel headquarters are located outside of Washington Silver Spring Maryland. Due to the political importance of Washington, NBC, and ABC, and CBS, and FoxAnd CNN, United States major broadcasting companies, as well as from overseas, BBC, CBC, and Al Jazeera have important branches. Radio "XM satellite radio" and "national public radio" and "voice of America" is based in Washington. Washington area mainly WARW radio station 94.7FM (classic rock), WIHT 99.5 FM (Top 40) and WWDC 101.1 FM (alternative rock). Urban stations include WPGC 95.5 FM,WHUR 96.3 FM, and WMMJ 102.3 FM, Radio CPR 97.5 FM,WTEM 980 AM (sports), wTOP 820 AM, 103.5 FM, 107.7 FM (news, traffic), Washington Post radio AM1500. Performing arts in Washington is the United States a major performing arts center. Arena Stage is the United States one of the first non-profit theaters. John f. Kennedy Center for the performing arts is a United States nationalOrchestra, the Washington National Opera and the main performance venue for the Washington Ballet. Notable local music clubs include Madam's Organ Blues Bar in Adams Morgan, Eighteen Street Lounge located in the Dupont Circle, andLocated in the North of u Street Black Cat,the 9:30 and the Bhemian Cavern Club Jazz Club. Is Washington's u Street bars and jazz place. Washington local music genre called "go-go", this is a punk, Percussion-driven RB, dopingImpromptu performances and dance rhythms. Go-go the origin of the name "go and go and go.". The most famous go-go musician Chuck Brown. Washington also is United States important centre of punk rock. Washington also has some influence in the development of Indian rock. Washington is also a lot of TV series storiesRehmannia, most of these TV shows to government agencies, security agencies or the bodies associated with the first two in the background. Traffic airport generally means Washington Metropolitan Airport has three, but no one in Washington, DC. Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI)-located in the Baltimore Mary Lanzhou suburb Diablo 3 power leveling, one hour by car away from Washington DC. Southwest AirlinesOne of the main trading point. Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA), located in Arlington, Virginia, Washington, DC recently (about 11 km). United Airlines and Delta Airlines connecting flights. Washington-Dulles International Airport (IAD)-Virginia, some half an hour by car from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. United Airlines and independence air (IndEpendence Air) air hub. Sports Football NFL Washington Redskins (Washington Redskins) NCAA University of Maryland (Terrapins) major league baseball MLB Washington nationals (Washington NationALS) NBA Washington Wizards basketball team (Washington Wizards) NCAA Georgetown University (Hoyas) George �� Mason University (the Patriots) (Virginia), University of Maryland (Terrapins) (Maryland) WNBA Washington Mystics (wAshington Mystics) ice hockey NHL Washington Capitals (Washington Capitals) stamp of the same name on September 23, 2003, the United States Postal Service issued commemorative stamps of the Columbia for a diamond. This stamp to show not only the United States capital of Washington is located here, as wellShow here is one with a population of 500,000, vibrant community. Washington is the United States capital, known as the "Washington, DC", lies between Maryland and Virginia at the convergence of the Potomac R. and anakasidiyahe. Area of 178 square kilometers. Most people say "capital" means the Federal Government agencies in some areas, if said "British Colombia Hong Kong Special Administrative Region ", that is occupied by a resident. Occupied by government agencies, accounted for one-second of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region area. There was originally a Bush, only a few cottages scattered in between. In 1789, the United States the Confederation Government officially established, George �� Washington was elected as the first President. When the Congress held its first session in New York, capital location problems caused by intenseDispute over North and two party members are located in the capital of the territory. In 1790, Congress finally reached a compromise, selected by President Washington, North and South along natural boundaries-the Potomac R. aspect of the address is 16 km of the region as the capital. President Washington to commemorate Columbus ' discovery of the new world, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region named for Christopher Columbus. The Federal Government and Congress to commemorate the firstPresident of merit, also called the Washington capitals. In 1895, after Georgetown city into the capital of the SAR, Washington and the District of Columbia boundary, with the area, representatives of only two place names. Due to the shape of the Columbia for the diamond, so the shape of the stamp design for the diamond. Stamps right of issue with designs typical of Washington buildings--ShawThe community here in 1985, has been designated a historic building conservation area. Stamp lower 1912 Japan to United States cherry blossoms. Stamp patterns left the Capitol, Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. 37 cents face value of the stamp, designed by Greg Berger, 16, circulation of 72 million, stamp size is 31.75 x 31.75 mm�� Others:

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