Thursday, May 12, 2011


World Book Day
Encyclopedia World Book Day card Formally established in 1995, each April 23 as Directory set up to establish the purpose of the background derived from activities of foreign practice, practice activities abroad of United Kingdom Spain Japan Korea Mexico and Jamaica to study the situation of foreign activities of the network to study the impact of our motto to establish the background [1] In 1972, UNESCO sent to the world call, requiring all members of society, and to make reading as an integral part of daily life. In 1995, the International Publishers Association, made the twenty-fifth global conference on Later, the Russian view, Establishment of a World Book Day's proposal is put forward by Spain, and its inspiration from the Catalonia region of Spain, According to Library Journal, World Book Day from the Catalan region of a legend: a beautiful dragon princess is trapped in the mountains, the Warriors defeated George the dragon alone, to rescue the princess; the princess back to the gift presented to George a book. Since then, the book became a symbol of courage and strength. April 23 as During the festival, the inhabitants of Catalonia has donated books to family and friends rose and customs. In 1995, UNESCO declared April 23 as April 23, 1616 is a famous Spanish writer Miguel de Cervantes's death day. Hope to establish the purpose of the people scattered all over the world, whether you are old or young, whether you are rich or poor, whether you are sick or healthy, can enjoy reading, can respect and appreciation for the making of human civilization enormous contributions to the literary, cultural, scientific, ideological masters, can protect the intellectual property rights. World Book Day every year on this day, more than 100 countries will host a variety of promotional activities to celebrate and books, but this date has not yet widely known in China, nearly two years, publishers and bookstores began to carry out some public service activities. Foreign practice [1] According to the information that since the Many countries in this day or the week before and after a month's time, will carry out a variety of activities, library, media rift platinum, publishers, schools, shops, community groups and other organizations in this period of time, will do some donated books, reading, acting and other things that encourage people to read, to study the promotion of happiness into a bustling festival. Our practice in January 1997, the Central Propaganda Department, the Ministry of Culture, the National Premier Wen Jiabao attended the ministries jointly issued a This is the development of librarianship as a means to promote reading, dissemination of knowledge, promotion of social civilization and progress for the purpose of a social and cultural systems engineering. In 2000, the National Leading Group for Knowledge Engineering in December each year as In recent years, throughout the country have organized a variety of promotional activities. ? Shanghai Youth Red Classic Literature Introduction to a series of activities in 2004, Library Society of China for the implementation of large-scale activities for the national public know that Shakespeare once said: The books tend to change one's life. Development history of the human spirit, should be Chinese have become the ceremonies, ancient civilizations, one important reason is that we are a love of learning, hard to study people, Chinese people for the book was born, and die for the book, for books and music, for the book and bitter, books and countless thousands of years, a great man forged a bond. Today, building an innovative country and the task of learning society of the times, more than ever need to create an academic flavor of the community, to promote reading as a force for social development can not be replaced. Advocating reading, in order to maintain the life of the development of national vitality, and our future masters of building a learning society as the backbone of our reading level is related to the future of the motherland, is related to fall of nations. Derivative activities [1] to increase public awareness of and promote interest in reading books published by UNESCO in 2001, Since then, every year a city by the UNESCO awarded the Calendar year was elected (Italy, 2006) Bogota (Colombia, 2007) Amsterdam (Netherlands, 2008), Beirut (Lebanon, 2009) Ljubljana (Slovenia, 2010) activities abroad tend to UK Local to be held March 6, according to statistics, every year alone, schools, libraries, bookstores, the celebrations had already held more than 1000, including the story of people imitating contest, lunch story time, various types of book fairs and so on. Some educational institutions and bookstores will be sent to the Children's Book Day £ 1 face value of coupons rift platinum, books on members to allow them to redeem a bookstore favorite book. Catalonia, Spain to study at the origin of the legend as the birthplace of a tradition, every April 23 that period, many large and small local book fair will be held in the streets there will be many stalls, very lively . Every purchase of a book reader, a Rose are available, so in the world to read that day, you will see a lot of people walking in the streets holding roses, such as Valentine's Day, like, very interesting. Therefore, almost every year on April 23 this day, local books will be 10% reduction, while the price rose sharply rise. Child in Tokyo, Japan the most preferential treatment in the World Book Day. Tokyo government issued an order that specifies the April 23 date for children to read and to foster children in the language, imagination and sensitivity of the capacity to help them gain a deeper Korea South Korean government in general will be issued on April 23 Mexico and the Focused on this year a large number of publishers, literary agents, reading, public relations, translators, librarians, will be for commercial or professional exchanges, more than 35 million people (including 10 million children) will be 9 days in the Book Fair Lane came to Guadalajara to visit the whole Latin America's largest cultural festivals. Jamaica Official launch in April 5, the opening ceremony of the children involved were invited to write down their impression on the Jamaican writer; writers representative of Jamaica Tan of Asia &S226; Sawei Ji, a book based on his own to do the speech . Site also shows a big screen production of the anti-piracy UNESCO video clips. Jamaica has also organized a series of exhibitions on display in the Administrative Region of the library. Part in adult activities, widely respected in Jamaica, Dr. Bruder scientists, will be held April 27 for public lectures, telling about the future of robotics. Abroad to study the situation in Jakarta World Book Day activities held in France: in 2004 an average of 11 books, 24% of French people read 12 books, 55% of the people reading 1-12. The population, the average person reading 11. Japan: Six adult book rife in 2005, Japan's Yomiuri Shimbun made a study of the national survey, the results are as follows: study 1 hour a day, 14%, 19% for half an hour reading, reading 20 minutes in 10%, read 10 minutes 9% 27% do not read. Reading and network impact of the network is very different from traditional reading, the traditional purpose of the relatively strong reading, the reader will understand after reading and digesting the contents of books, there are rational judgments and rational thinking of the opportunity, a good book requires careful reading, slowly taste. The Internet book often used bright colors, highlighting and even music with illustrations to stimulate the reader's senses, for fast reading. Reading are generally conducted in a relaxed state, not easily read the contents of the memory. And it requires the help of some hardware support, such as computers, smart phones, also need a fixed place, not like the books that can be read anytime, anywhere. Therefore, readers should read the objective and comprehensive look at the rise of the network, to electronic reading and the correct choice between the traditional reading, so as to achieve a symbiotic situation. Reading is a mental training people, especially young people, character, outlook on life an important means to guide, no matter what way, the key is to bring readers back to school in the past. School rift power leveling, family, and the whole society should create an atmosphere of scientific study, the readers, especially young people reading guide rational behavior. Of activities April 23, 2009 is the 14th Library Society of China, Children's Library Initiative Committee of the relevant person in charge of various national libraries, especially public libraries, children libraries, school libraries act together to carry out the Children read the promotional efforts towards the establishment of our children reading section, let the children enjoy reading, reading habits, reading the happy, happy to grow. On 1 May, the main venue of activities held in Guangzhou Children's reading show month, also released survey on urban children's reading, reading activities show the results; July to August, focusing on competition at all kinds of reading activities; September to October, conducted in Chongqing and Beijing Children's reading on Open Day, held the 60th anniversary of the National Public Library children's science cum 60th anniversary of founding of new China show good popular science books bibliography; released three generations of 60 years of New China, good reading books , released part of the reading results; April 2010, held in Changsha in the National Children's Reading Carnival activities in reading, reading performance show held the finals of the Year awards presented reading, publishing the April 2011, in Yueyang Ping Jiang, Jia-yi Town Central Primary School of 850 students to organize the Ping Jiang Jia-yi Town Center Primary School site. [2] The motto read books --- the ladder of human progress is a good book is a great mind Golgi precious blood - Milton not read no real education, but also can have no flair - Herzen A book is like a boat to take us from a narrow place and into the infinite life of the vast ocean - Keller did not book, you can not win the ideological battle, just as no ship can not win the same battle - Theodore Roosevelt Evaluation of a city, depending on how many bookstores it has - Rubinstein house without books, as a body without a soul - Cicero thoughtful books spread in a dark age, like some of the sun shine in bleak desert, as is the light of the darkness. These books are landmark works in the history of the human spirit, people with their principles, to all kinds of new discoveries ahead. Book is the hero's heart sages exposure to the faithful mirror of our hearts. - (UK) study can Kat tending the young, consolation old age. Reading can improve well-being, disaster drowned their sorrows. At home, give you pleasure; out, let you feel good. - (Roman) Cicero's companion book is the night. When you open it, it will make you forget the repression in the heart of the difficulties; books teach you the knowledge, increasing your talent; it never jealous, nor abhorrence of evil; it is always careful to complete your trust, regardless of time how long, it would never betray the oath of friendship. - (Arabic) a Ibn Ali. Zhahe Mu treat me like a miser as his treasure, obsessed with books. I firmly believe that as long as I want, I can enjoy it; I was able to enjoy this right, and feel satisfied. Whenever I leave the road, always books with me. - (France) Michel de Montaigne on the books of love, pride and glory of my life. Even if all of a collection of Indian gems with my exchange, I am not happy. My library, is the basis for my work and the greatest joys of life. - (UK) Yoshimoto
World Book Day
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